NuVision Engineering is the world leader in the use of Power Fluidics™ systems for nuclear applications. These waste management systems use air to mobilize radioactive sludges, slurries, and liquids with no moving parts coming in contact with contaminated mediums. Using Power Fluidics™ for the mixing, sampling, and pumping of radioactive waste results in:

  • Reduced costs
  • Eliminated project downtime
  • Improved safety for workers
  • Protection of environment and natural resources

There are hundreds of NuVision Power Fluidic™ waste management systems now in operation worldwide, and no incidences of failure, erosion, mechanical or corrosion damage have been reported.

How It Works


  1. Pressurized air moves through one side of a jet pump pair to create a partial vacuum. That causes suction, drawing the tank contents up into the pulse tube.


  1. Air is used to pressurize the pulse tube, driving waste material back into the tank.


  1. Finally, the pulse tube is depressurized through the jet pump. The cycle then repeats.

Technological Leadership

NuVision Engineering’s expertise and experience in the use of Power Fluidics™ for nuclear waste management is unparalleled.

We were the first to design, build, install, and operate a large scale Power Fluidics™ waste mobilization system for the Department of Energy. In 1996, we introduced this technology for use at Oak Ridge Bethel Valley Evaporator Storage Tanks (BVEST) to mix and mobilize sludge waste in large cylindrical tanks. Building on that process, we’ve continued to design, build, and install further optimized systems at key clean-up sites, completing more than 50 projects for the U.S. Department of Energy. NuVision’s current senior technical staff were directly responsible for the initial design, testing, and subsequent refinements on these projects, and our team has more man‐hours of experience in the design, testing, fabrication and design, and implementation of Pulse-Jet Mixing Systems than any other single organization worldwide.

NuVision Power Fluidics™ Development

Awarded first DOE contract to use Power Fluidics for environmental cleanup

Awarded first DOE contract to use Power Fluidics for environmental cleanup

Completes first Power Fluidic™ deployment project

Completes first Power Fluidic™ deployment project


Power Fluidics™ equipment installed in 100,000-gallon Capacity Increase Program (CIP) Tanks at Melton Valley Oak Ridge to mix and mobilize sludge waste


Power Fluidics™ solid suspension mixing system developed for Savannah River site


Develops & deploys transportable Small Tank Mixer

First generation system to mobilize and retrieve waste from tanks 3003A and WC-9 at Oak Ridge


Transportable Small Tank Mixer systems supplied for Idaho National Labs and Los Alamos National Lab

These second generation Power Fluidics™ Pulse Jet Mixer systems mobilize and retrieve liquid and solid wastes.


Large Tank Sludge Mobilization and Retrieval System design, built, and demonstrated at Hanford


Wins award to provide 400 Power Fluidic™ components to Department of Energy


Small Tank Power Fluidics™ Mixer mobilizes, retrieves, and closes T1, T2 & HFIR tanks at Oak Ridge

Project completed at 50% of baseline cost and 1 year ahead of schedule.

Wins $10M award for Power Fluidic test rigs at Sellafield

Wins $10M award for Power Fluidic test rigs at Sellafield

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