Our Sponge Abrasive Decontamination process is a unique, dust-free way to efficiently reduce contamination levels and dose rates in piping and components of Nuclear Power Plants. The system was designed and built specifically for the purpose of performing pipe end decontamination during Steam Generator Replacements where minimizing worker dose and project schedule are key success metrics. Our technology has since been modified to meet a variety of decontamination needs.

The PED™ (pipe-end decon) process consists of five key components: media blast head, media feed unit, sponge abrasive media, a digital control system, and the seal dams and media recovery system (HEPA vacuum and cyclone separator).

How It Works

The NuVision sponge abrasive decontamination system operates on a simple, non-recycling process:

  1. For pipe end decon, a seal dam is inserted in each elbow to prevent media from entering the Reactor Coolant System (RCS).
  2.  The sponge media is blasted onto the contaminated surface via a special media delivery unit and a blast head.
  3. The abrasive grit decontaminates the surface, and the soft media closes around the contaminant, trapping it in the sponge matrix and reducing the potential for airborne contaminants.
  4. The media and contaminates are removed via a portable HEPA vacuum system and deposited into 55 gallon drums.

Dose reduction factors post decontamination range from 2 to 6 prior to shielding and are generally greater than 10 after shielding is installed inside the decontaminated pipes.

Global Experience

Qualified and Successful Decon in:

  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • USA


  • Reduced risk for airborne contamination
  • Lightweight equipment is easy to maneuver
  • Reduced man-rem exposure
  • Minimal change to surface profile
  • Reduced waste to manage
  • No liquid waste to clean up
  • High decontamination factors achieved with single pass
  • Faster, safer, and more efficient than other options

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